狗屎And I swear to Odin if you dare to kill Natasha in the next Avengers movie I'm never ever gonna spend any one more cent on any of your bullshit, Marvel.
好看对白设计得精彩Buddy 是个深刻的老头关于即将消失的人生他说It is what it is. It’s like watching the Detroit Lions sucking. 他对 Marty 的评价一针见血I like Marty. But he thinks too much. He’s got to act. Somebody does. Wendy 讲话没这么简洁有力但关键时刻有种把话说得滴水不漏的本事抄了好几段……朗默家的孩子看起来终于要走出阴影了期待下一季